Sunday, 1 July 2018

how to draw dark scary forest | oil painting tutorial


Hi, I am Dilip Sarkar, and I wanted to make a painting which has something mysterious in it and hides something itself. So nature is the most mysterious thing I think especially the nature of night. So I drew this drawing and also wanted to give you some simple steps by which you can also draw the painting. Thanks for visiting.

COLORS: Cobalt blue, Prussian blue, Yellow ochre, Flake White, Burnt sienna, Red.

CANVAS: “24”x”18”


STEP 1: In the first step I have just put cobalt blue hue on the canvas and along with that I have put some red, blue and white to make some foggy base there. Then I have blurred the color with dry brush kind of rounding way to have a more soft blurry effect.

STEP 2: Then first I have made some tree stem with Prussian blue mixing it with white making it lighter to show that its it far away. Then also I have drawn some leaves of the trees then blurred this in a kind of way which does not really mix up the color with the back grout but still we can understand that there are some trees.

STEP 3: Now in the front I have made some more trees with Prussian blue but it should be little darker from the trees you I have drawn on the step 2. Then also I have made the leaves little bit darker than before.

STEP 4: Now here I have made two lands and also I have made a little water falls coming from between this two lands. Now for those two lands I have used blue, yellow and burnt sienna. And then in the middle, I have used blue making it deeper to lighter from front to far but light means you have to put enough color (deeper from front) so that I draw the water fall easily.

STEP 5: Now this step is very important so you have to take care when executing this step. So basically in this step I will draw the water falls. So for this take a fan brush with white color and first put it horizontally and then put it vertically.

STEP 6: Now first of all I have added some more big trees in front to make other trees to be in distance. Remember to make the leaves of the tree more detailed because it’s in front. Then I have drawn the shadows of the trees on the right land with Prussian blue because I selected the light source coming from left side. Then I added light to all trees with yellow ocher mixing with white.

STEP 7: Now I have added more lights in trees and other places with white and little yellow ( see picture) with spatula knife and added flowers in some areas with burnt sienna and white as you can see in the painting.

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