Thursday, 28 July 2016

How to draw oil painting, A Romantic Couple in the Moon Light - With Dilip Art

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It is from imagination of drawing a very romantic couple. When two love bird sits in this kind of romantic place, all the emptiness starts describing their love in all the nature. Here in this painting you will see this kind of love and romance all over the painting.


STEP 1: This picture is more about night. So I already put deep color on the canvas because this painting will be easy on deep color. After that I have stated drawing. As the sky I used cobalt blue and blurred it with flake white. Then it has taken a night sky effect. And with all this color combination I have drew a basic sketch.

STEP 2: This is very easy and interesting step. Then in the sky portion, to make it little lighter I used a color mixing blue and white. As we all know that a full moon makes more romantic situation. That’s why I have drawn a full moon here. When we see full moon, The sky remain clear. And we see uncountable stars there. So that I took some white yellow in the brush and sprinkle it with figure. In the upper middle portion of the page I drew some hills with Prussian blue. As there is many fog below of the hill, So for that I blurred that area with white.

STEP 3: Now blurring some places with white and blue I made a far distance in the hill understanding what you want to be in far away. I myself specially blurred the below areas of the hill but used more color in the right hill because it is little in front than the left hill and little less in the left hill.

STEP 4: So obviously there should be some trees in the hill sides. So that’s why I drew some trees with Prussian blue.

STEP 5: Here I have drawn a romantic couple in this drawing. So in this kind moon light a lake would give a more romantic effect that’s why I drew a lake with cobalt blue and white. And giving a detail on the lake for the reflection of the moon will develop the drawing’s beauty more. So for that I used flake white for the reflection. I here have used a spatula for easy drawing. You can use a thin 0 brush for this but it will take time and you have to be more careful where with spatula you don’t really have to care that much. You can use it smoother than brush.

STEP 6: This step is about light and shadow effect. We all know the concept of sun and the earth. The side which is in front of the sun remains lighted and the other become dark. Here same kind of concept I used. I drew the moon in the right side that’s why I lighted the right areas in the left hill and left areas in the right hill.

And I also lighted the trees in the needed areas.

STEP 7: In this kind of hill areas lakes are bounded by the rocks. So I also drew some rocks using a interesting technique. Because this is night so most of the areas in the rock are dark and our page had already dark color so I just used white and burnt sienna in those areas where the light had fallen in the way it took itself a shape of rocks.

STEP 8: This is final and very romantic steps. Now I have drawn a couple in this final step to make it more romantic and more beautiful. To know how to draw you have to watch the video in my YouTube channel linked below.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

santorini most beautiful islands in greece - Acrylic & Oil painting

how to draw oil painting, santorini most beautiful islands in Greece  - Paint With Dilip Art - Acrylic & Oil painting

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Friday, 15 July 2016

How to draw - Sunset at the moment in a forest - Oil painting

how to draw oil painting, Sunset at the moment in a forest - Paint With Dilip Art

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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Natural beautiful landscapes - Oil Painting

How to draw oil painting, Natural beautiful landscapes - Paint with Dilip Art


Today after many days I drew a painting of a river named GANGA in my hometown. I always go there for refreshing my mind. It is very beautiful place. So I wanted to draw it. I drew it in some easy steps. I hope you all enjoy it.


BRUSHES: I used different types of brushes here such as flat brush No. 2, 4, 8, and 12 and round brush No. 0 and a flat 2 inch brush and spatula knife .

COLORS: Prussian blue, Cobalt blue, Burnt sienna, Chrome yellow, lemon yellow, crimson red and flake white.

STEP 1: Here I am drawing a nature painting. So in the first step I put some blue for the sky with little pink and yellow in the little portion. I put yellow because there many color complexion occurred in the sky. So for that I have used yellow.And in the lower portion of the page I again put blue with very little green and yellow for drawing lake. And I left some areas blank in the right and left sides for field’s trees and other things like that.

STEP 2: Then I blurred the colors with a fresh brush keeping the blank areas same.

STEP 3: Now obviously when I drew sky I should draw some cloud. So I used thin brush with flake white for clouds in some places. And after blurring it a little bit I farther drew some cloud.

Step 4: Then I drew the fields with yellow ochre green and for other trees in the far I used burnt sienna. I used burnt sienna instead of green because here the lake is in the middle of the frame and the river is little lighter so I made the far with dark color. It’s just for a combination.

STEP 5: And then lighted the trees with white.

STEP 6: Then in the sides of the field I detailed with burnt sienna for showing some shadows and mud area. Because there are many places in the areas where we can’tsee grasses sometimes and this detailing is also for them.

STEP 7: Then for the left side of the river I used Prussian blue and little yellow. For the far I used the Prussian blue deeply.

STEP 8: Then I lighted the sides, trees in the far and some more areas with chrome yellow. Then you will have a very beautiful painting.

Friday, 1 July 2016

How to draw - Sun Ray in forest step by step - Oil painting

how to draw oil painting,  Sun Ray in forest step by step  -  Paint With Dilip Art 

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Story of the picture:

This painting is just imagination
There’s a hill area. Beside the hill area there’s a road. Beside the road there are some beautiful trees. At the time of sunrise beside the left side corner of the hill, sun rays come on the trees and the trees look so beautiful. On that moment the whole area is calm and peace.
You are watching my oil painting – Beautiful Sun rays in forest -

The form of the painting is based on fine arts. The colors and brushes that I used are as follows:
Acrylic colors – blue and white
Oil colors – Burnt sienna, Prussian blue, Flake white, Chrome yellow, Lemon yellow
Canvas – 21ʺ x 14ʺ
Brushes – Flat brush no. 2, 4, 8, 12; Fan brush no. 4; Spatula knife; flat brush 2 and 1.½ (slim).
For the background, I have used blue hue and white.
I have used five colors to paint the trees,which are, Burnt sienna, Prussian blue, Flake white, Chrome yellow deep hue and Lemon yellow where necessary.To draw thesunrays I have used Burnt sienna and Flake white.

The rays are the most important part of this picture.Therefore, when you are painting this type of picture, you have to be very careful. You must use very light-handed strokes. In such cases, you need a small amount of paint.Here I have used Burnt sienna very little and Flake white a bit more with the help of flat brush 1.½ (slim).Here I have used slanted strokes (left to right) to paint the rays.
Lastly, I drew some trees in front of the canvas. Here I used Burnt sienna, Prussian blue, Flake white and Lemon yellow using the flat brush no. 2 and 4, brush no. 4 and Spatula knife.
So, what do you think about my painting? Please let me know in the comments.

Artist Dilip Sarkar

how to draw - realistic clouds step by step - oil painting

how to draw oil painting, realistic clouds step by step - Paint With Dilip Art 

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