Friday, 20 October 2017

India Gate Oil Painting | Pollution free environment | Happy Diwali

Now-a-days pollution became a common issue which is very much affecting our environment. There is much cause behind pollution. It may be because of the increasing number of diesel, petrol base vehicle, may be because of using too much crackers in Diwali like festivals, sewage, weedicides, smoke, and many more. But this article is about Delhi, the capital of India which has been very much polluted. For that Delhi Gov. has banned the crackers in this Diwali. Because according to other states of India, Delhi, Mumbai like over crowded cities use much crackers in Diwali which makes them warmer. I think it’s a good diction to save our nature because such festivals are festivals of lights and joy. The lights means to destroy all the darkness around us with the lights of joy not those harmful things. We can use divas and such thing as lights to celebrate and minimize the use of crackers. I am not saying no to them, what I am saying is to minimize the number of usage of crackers. Thus we can celebrate Diwali happily keeping our environment safe from being polluted. So giving this massage to all my viewers I have drawn India Gate. Also wish you all a very Happy Diwali.

Here I have given a little description how I have drawn this.

At first I have drawn the sketch of the India gate and then I have put deep blue, light blue for sky leaving some space in the middle for the gate. Then blurring it with fresh brush I have sprinkle some white and yellow dots on that. Then I have colored it with yellow ochre and orange. Then I have taken a thin brush for the detailing in the gate with the mixture of burnt sienna and tallow ochre. Now as we all know our India gate is always lighted so for that light I have used lemon yellow mixing with yellow ochre. If you get the proper lightness with only lemon yellow you don’t need to use yellow ochre and if you get it very light so use little amount of ochre with this (see the video for right placement). Then I have blurred the sides of the sky to have a highlighted area above the India gate. After that I have drew the light posts. Then I have used more detailing to make the painting more prominent

SEE the video linked for more information.

Hope you all have enjoyed this and will help to keep our nature and environment safe. And it’s my request to all my viewers that to be aware of doing anything that harms the nature this is everything without nature where shall we live, from where we will get oxygen and many more.

Friday, 6 October 2017

how to use watercolors for beginners | A snowy mountains Painting Tutori...


As we see many mountains covered with snow but we see all those drawing with oil painting but here I have drawn it with water color. Here I have kept blank the entire page and drawn the whole painting using very less painting. I hope you can learn from this and enjoy this.

COLORS: Blue, Red and White.

PAGE SIZE: A3 / Watercolor paper

TOOLS: Brushes and tape.


STEP 1: First, I have set up the page by attaching tape with it on the sides of the page. It resists the water going out of the page. Here I have used a new technique where I kept the entire page blank and the whole painting will be drawn with very less color. Now I have started from the sky using blue and white making shape of hills in the lower sky. Because of snow this shape will show the hill. And after putting the color I have immediately rub smoothly with a dry sponge.

STEP 2: So as we see many ups and downs in the hills for that I have mixed up red and blue color and used it to have those ups and downs.( You can see the picture for proper shape and the placement of the color)

STEP 3: Now there is many trees in the hill area. But when it is very sunny the trees looks very darker in color. For that I have drawn it with blue and red mixing. I have drawn it in the left side and little smaller because these trees are in far. And for shadow I have used the same color but lightly, And remember that before drawing the trees put a first cote with same color and after drying it you can draw again.

STEP 4: Now to send those trees and the entire painting far away I have made some front trees. For that I have put a basic color with red and blue with more water making it lighter.

STEP 5: Now detail the trees with deep cote of the same color taking less water. And you can draw more detail as needed.

If you drew the painting in right way following the steps you then now you have a beautiful painting in front of you.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

How to draw oil painting | Catkin flower beside the road | Paint with Di...

How to draw oil painting | Catkin flower beside the road | Paint with Dilip Art


This is the beginning of autumn and also the starting Durga Puja festivals. So in these times we can see very colorful combinations and very beautiful catkin flowers. So I have thought of drawing this drawing about a very beautiful nature of this time. I hope you all enjoy this.

COLORS: Prussian blue, red, chrome yellow, flake white, yellow ochre, burnt sienna and light blue.

CANVAS: ‘24’x’18’

BRUSHES: Flat brush no. 2, 4, 8, 12; Fan brush no. 4; Spatula knife; flat brush 2”,


STEP 1: This picture is about the time of the beginning of the most popular festival of Bengal, Durga Puja where we can see many Catkin flower and very beautiful color combination in the sky. So that’s why the sky is very important part of this drawing which supports the whole painting.

At first I have put yellow ochre, red and white in a kind of mixing way and also blue mixing with little white on the top of the page. It is a basic color of the sky, on that I will draw clouds and other color verities. Then I blurred all the color with another new and dry brush.

STEP 2: Then I have mixed the chrome yellow with white and put on the almost middle of the sky for the bright area of sunset. And I have used the brush in a kind of round way to have cloudy effect.

STEP 3: As I have made the bright area in the middle of the sky so it’s natural that the upper part would be darker that’s why I have used Prussian blue in the upper portion of the sky. And I have used the brush in the way it shows there is some clouds.

STEP 4: Now I have used flake white and yellow for the lighted part of the clouds. Because in these kinds of beautiful sky, clouds consume the white light of the sun very much whatever the color combination is.

STEP 5: Now as yellow ochre was already given in that bright area, so I have now drawn the sun with white. I have drawn it with my finger for proper shape but you can use brush for the sun.

STEP 6: Now the lower portion of the painting, here I have drawn a road and the lands of the side of the road. For the side land I have mixed Prussian blue, little amount of lemon yellow and burnt sienna. It has given a dark base of the land on where I can put light colors. It will open the beauty of the painting because sun is setting down so here are many dark effects of the land.

STEP 7: Then I have put burnt sienna mixing with little white for the road. I again put a dark base for the road because I could out light color later.

STEP 8: Now it’s the part where our drawing will turn into a beautiful painting when I will include the flowers and all. So in the left sides of the road I have made a shape of some bushes with chrome yellow and little blue. And in the right side I used lemon yellow, white and Prussian blue. I have kept this side little darker for adding flower and other lights later.

STEP 9: Then I drew the catkin flowers with flake white in both side left and right. But here I have used fan brush because it’s easier to use and time saving. And then I have added lights in grasses and road and also don’t forget to draw the road in far with white. I also drew some trees and bushes in the far.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

How to draw a mountain landscape with soft pastels | free tutorial

How to draw a mountain landscape with soft pastels | free tutorial


Today I thought of drawing colorful combination of nature, sometimes we see in the morning the light of sun is so bright and each and every part of the nature shines. So I have chosen the hills for that drawing. You can see in this drawing i have used many colorful combination. So I have drawn this for students so that students can draw it very easily. I want to draw every kinds of nature painting and I will teach you all of those. So I hope you all love this and will learn from this. I have given below some easy steps.

Colors (soft pastel): Blue, Turquoise blue, burnt sienna, White, Prussian blue, yellow ochre, Light green, Deep green, Pupil and Light yellow.

Brustro Artist’s Pastel Papers 200 GSM A3


STEP 1: In the first step, I have drawn the sky portion with light blue, turquoise blue and white understanding that the upper sky is deep and lower is light. And I have left some page for light. AndI blurred the color.

STEP 2: Then obviously sky have some cloud and the drawing takes a beautiful look so I have used white for cloud.

STEP 3: Then I have thought of drawing a beautiful hill for that I used Prussian blue and light blue leaving some areas in the right side for light and I have used the color deeply in the left side for shadow. Then I have used white for light effect in the right side and the peaks of the hills for showing snow.

STEP 4: then I have drew a basic sketch of hills after the upper mountains leaving some page below that for light.

STEP 5: This hills is in front so here snow has not fallen. So some trees has grown hear. For that in the right side I have used blue and then green. And in the left side in the lower portion I used burnt sienna and in the upper portion I used yellow ochre.

STEP 6: Now sun light has fallen in the left hills so I have put green for some more trees. Then in the right side I have drawn another hill in more fronts. Now we can see many alloys in these types of hills so in the middle alloy, in that I used blue and green and for the other portion I have used yellow ochre and burnt sienna mostly in the lower portion.

STEP 7: Now for the lakes I have used light blue and then leaving some page in the lake for lights I have used turquoise blue because the lake consumes the sky’s colors for clear weather. Then here comes the shadow part. I have put blue below the hill for shadow in the lake in the right side.

Artist Dilip Sarkar


How to draw - sunlight in forest - soft pastel painting

How to draw - sunlight in forest - soft pastel painting


Hi, I am Dilip Sarkar. Today I have drawn a beautiful nature painting with soft pastel. I tried to draw this with different color combination. Soft pastel nature painting always impresses people. Here I have drawn in many easy steps. I hope it will help you to develop your skills


STEP 1: Today I have drawn a nature painting. At first I have put green and yellow ochre as the basic color for the painting.

STEP 2: Then I have drawn some trees in the left side with green, some trees in the front with deep green and some in the far with light green. Also I drew some grass with green and for the leaves I put red and green. It is base for the leaves, I have added details later.

STEP 3: in the right side I have drawn some trees in the far with pencil and also added light with white in almost all trees. And in the right side where I made the far trees I used red below those trees mixing the red with that basic background color.

STEP 4: Then I have drawn some trees in the front but this time it’s bigger. Here I have used orange and brown for the front trees. I have kept the orange in the lighted side.

STEP 5: Now I have made some bushes with brown and orange. On that I used white for the flowers.

STEP 6: Now when we see trees we see some trees very big in the front then the trees gets smaller gradually. So sending those trees in the far I have drawn some more in the very front with orange brown and blue. And added some leaves on that leave base with brown orange green. And then added some more detail to stems making some thin brunches in the trees and also added some details in the bushes.

Artist Dilip Sarkar


Sunday, 1 October 2017

how to draw oil paint | cool evening | beautiful landscape | Paint with ...

How to draw oil paint | cool evening | beautiful landscape | Paint with Dilip Art


Hi friends, I am dilip sarkar, today I have shown how you can draw a beautiful evening of a hill area just before the sunset. So here I have given some easy steps for my viewers. As I always say nature painting always touches our heart so I want you to draw it easily to impress your family, friend and anyone you want. That’s why I have made this article for you. I hope you all enjoy it.


BRUSHES: I used different types of brushes here such as flat brush No. 2, 4, 8, and 12 and round brush No. 0 and a flat 2 inch brush.

CANVAS SIZE: 18 x 14

COLORS: Prussian blue, Cobalt blue, Burnt sienna, Orange, Chrome yellow, Crimson red, flake white


STEP 1: Hi friends, In the first step I have put some color on my drawing pallet such as white , yellow, orange , red and burnt sienna. So now we can start our painting.

STEP 2: Now I wanted to draw an evening painting when sun is setting down. It’s really beautiful to draw this kind of sky because it really captures everyone’s attention for its color combination. So here I have put yellow and orange for the sky and in the middle I have left some round space for sun (you can see the picture for proper placement of the sun). Below the sun I have used the color deeply. You can use red and Orange for that. Then I blurred it as the way the color does not come into sun.

STEP 3: Then in the lower sky specially below the sun I have used red and Orange also little in the sides. Because in below the sun some reddish color are consumed in clouds in this kind of time of the evening and blurred it.

STEP 4: Now the lower part of the painting where I have drawn the hills. But before drawing the hills I have given a basic color. Fpr that basic color I have used burnt sienna Blue and Red blurred it.

STEP 5: Now I have again moved to sky part. I just gave the basic color on the lower portion before completing the sky part because it gives me the clear view of the painting and I then come to know that what colors will make the drawing more beautiful. Then I have used some red below the sun for more clouds which has consumed some colors in it.

STEP 6: Then I included little cloudier effects in both side on the sky area with Red Blue and White blurred it softly.

STEP 7: Now as we know we also see some white clouds whatever the time is. So I included some white cloud using flake white and Yellow

STEP 8: Now I again started the hill part after completing the sky part. Here I drew some hill area with Red Blue and burnt sienna mixing both the colors. I drew it on both sides left and right as we see in many places (see the pictures for proper drawing). And in the below of the hills I blurred it with white for showing some distance with the front hills.

STEP 9: Then o drew some more hills in the front with the combination of colors but mixing in a deep colors especially in white areas to meekly the cloudy effect in between the hills.

STEP 10: This step is basically for sending the whole picture away. For that in the very front I have drawn a tree with blue and burnt sienna. Don’t make the tree thick too much because in these kinds of places we don’t often see thick trees. So now you have a beautiful painting of a hill area in the evening.

Artist Dilip Sarkar


Moonlight Night Scenery drawing With Oil Pastel - Simple Oil Pastel Dra...

Moonlight Night Scenery drawing With Oil Pastel - Simple Oil Pastel Drawing | Dilip Art Hi friends I'm Dilip Sarkar I have tried to ma...